Who’s Who
School Staff
Headteacher: Mrs C. Duggan
Senior Teacher: Mrs M. Ellis
Robin Class Reception & Y1
Teacher: Mrs M. Ellis
Teaching Assistants: Miss L. Rice and Mrs K. Creed
Owl Class Y1 & 2
Teachers: Mrs D. Booth & Mrs S. Dalwood
Teaching Assistants: Miss F. Creed and Mrs Z. Burton
Woodpecker Class Y3 & 4
Teacher: Mrs Breland and Mrs C. Duggan
Teaching Assistants: Mrs C. Telling
Buzzard Class Y5 & 6
Teacher: Miss R. Painter
Teaching Assistant: Miss S. Campbell and Mrs F. Liddle
Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo)
Mrs S. Dalwood
Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
Mr N. Newland
Forest School Lead
Mrs D. Booth
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs C. Duggan - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs M. Ellis - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs C. Bloor - Safeguarding Governor
Admin staff
Mrs S. Howells
Mrs T. Nicholas
Mrs J. Chivers
Chair of Governors: Mrs Claire Bloor
Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Tiffany Nicholas, who can be contacted via the school office.